Mar 28, 2017 | Action, Blog, Leadership, Trust
Employees who take ownership for doing what needs to be done and claim responsibility for the outcomes of their decisions and actions are demonstrating leadership accountability. If you strive to be a leader who demonstrates accountability here are some steps...
Oct 3, 2016 | Leadership, Leadership Development, Trust, Uncategorized
To exhibit leadership means to show integrity in everything we do. However, there may be disagreement about what integrity is. I tend to break things down into actions. What is it that people do that leads us to perceive the as having integrity? As I started to think...
Sep 26, 2016 | Courage, Leadership, Trust, Uncategorized
No one is perfect. We all make mistakes (did I spell that right?), yet it can be incredibly embarrassing and discouraging to have to admit mistakes. I recently tripped when stepping up from a street to a sidewalk curb. The first thing I did was hope no one had seen...
Feb 1, 2016 | Courage, Leadership, Trust, Uncategorized
Too many workplaces complain about lack of trust. It could be that management doesn’t trust employees (or at least does not have confidence in their capabilities and judgement), or it could be that employees don’t trust management. Usually this...