Client Love
No one else is doing what they do
“What George and Tracey do is completely different, no one else is doing it. What they teach is in complete alignment with me. They are talented and priceless. One major thing I LOVE about this work is the integrity that shows up, even in the smallest of ways. It is a safe place to feel supported and where we can learn, play, make mistakes, and have the opportunity to do it over again. I’m very excited, thank you!”
I now hold a safe space
“Through these last couple of years I’ve been hearing conflicting opinions on almost every subject – health, politics or social beliefs and others – where it seems that either being for or against something is expected. This work has helped me to show up and hold a safe space for people to share their beliefs, including being able to hold conversations at the dinner table where not everyone is of the same opinion and yet everyone can share freely without feeling judged or separated and where Love leads the way.”
Happier, lighter, and doubled my clients
“In the past, I was guarded and lacked trust. I didn’t speak with a loving tone or spirit, and though I thought I was ok, I wasn’t. Here with Tracey and George, I’ve learned to embrace and love myself. Instead of judging myself, I show myself more grace and compassion which allows me to be vulnerable with my kids so they know their feelings are also okay. Now that I’m in a more loving space and thinking and speaking in a high frequency manner, my business, love life and mothering is so much better. Utilizing these tools, I’m now happier and lighter, plus I’ve doubled my clients and am more clear on my purpose and mission. Thank you!”
I make a positive impact
“I’m transforming into a leader for my family by helping to break the cycles of chaos, dysfunctional communication and showing healthier ways to express our love for each other and for ourselves. My mom joined this work and we’re closer than ever. We share some tools with my daughter and she not only understands them, she reminds us when we forget! My transformation is also having a positive impact on my colleagues, team and those I lead at work. Thank you for the encouragement, tools, honesty, love and giving me a safe place to learn and grow!”
I’m not a doing machine
“George and Tracey as leaders is what separates this. It’s a different conversation. It’s not about me doing more – I’m not a doing machine. No amount of studying and new knowledge will help me be more heard and self- expressed. This work about who I am being, and that was the shift.”
I’m congruent and embodied with my message/when I speak.
“When I first met George and Tracey, I was frustrated trying to get more visibility. I felt blocked. I had done work on myself for years, but this community and this work took me to another level. Within one year, I wrote my first international bestseller. The deep work I did here led to my second international bestselling book, and even more importantly, a healed relationship with my mother.
Now being a messenger is effortless. All of my success is because I’m congruent and embodied with the message I’m speaking.
“I needed the King Maker to call me out of the cave and save my f*-ing life.”
“George is the guy who called me out. I was out there already making millions of dollars, helping people all over the world, delivering programs, writing books and screenplays, and nevertheless, I needed the King Maker to call me out of the cave and save my f*-ing life. If he hadn’t done that, I may not be living the life I’m living right now. And that’s for real. In terms of how I stepped up to be part of the brotherhood and be with my wife, grow my business the way I am and the way I’m showing up. That is directly because of George.”Now being a messenger is effortless. All of my success is because I’m congruent and embodied with the message I’m speaking.
I found my authentic voice
“I was always a person who wanted to help in the world in a bigger way and was having a problem finding my voice. When I first started here, I was shy. With this work, I have now found my most authentic voice and biggest talents, and how to bring them out to share! I’ve also learned to take better care of myself through a more conscious way of living, and these teachings have brought my relationship with my wife to a deeper and richer level!”
My life is transformed
“Before working with Tracey and George my life looked very different. Rushed. Disconnected. Burnt out. Exhausted. Depressed. Spinning my wheels. Though it looked like I “had it all” with 2 successful studios, “dream home,” a toddler and wonderful husband, on the inside I was bankrupt – working 16 hour days and weekends to survive. I felt unworthy of happiness and good fortune.
Today, I have a thriving business, work 25 hours a week, feel and look better than ever with baby #2 and a connection with my kids and husband beyond my wildest dreams.
I’m so grateful to Amazing International for helping me become an amazing leader of my own life, courageous to create my dreams and now be the kind of leader I always knew I was capable of. I would not be here without the tools, coaching, love, safe space, acceptance and endless support from this group. My life is transformed. My family’s life is transformed and the course of my children’s future is completely altered. The world is changing around me for the better because of this work. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
I found my voice
“I come from a military background, which is great, but I lost myself to become something that is necessary. I wasn’t able to have my own voice. But here, I found my voice. I found that I could speak and whatever I said was okay.
I am a changed woman because of this work. I discovered I could live in a brighter manner. I became a television talk show host and a producer. Thank you!
George and Tracey truly honor the sacredness of our work and integrates all of me.
“George and Tracey truly honor the sacredness of our work and integrates all of me. They pulled out exactly what I needed to experience and see to go the next step. They both have done, and continue to do, their own work. They guide me through my work with ease and grace and never put their own opinions and judgments on me, and there is an instantaneous transformation when I ”get it”. They don’t step over a thing – they call me up with love and acceptance, as if it’s perfect that I have ‘my stuff’, and integrate it all into a more empowered and embodied way of being. I have increased my revenues by 66%, doubled my prices, found my ‘special sauce,’ trust the Inner Presence to be my supply, and love my little girl and bring her along with me. I would absolutely invite people to do this work, however, only those people that, no kidding, want to give up old habits and ways of being and are willing to be a leader and trail blazer in their area of expertise.”
George has supported me through some of the most challenging transformations.
“With a simple question, ‘Are you ready to be seen?’ and his heartfelt, focused gaze of sincerity, he lovingly pulled me out of a false programmed loop of doubt that held me back for years. He is a healer and an inspiration. He sees and speaks the Truth and in doing so, ignites the Truth living inside all of us. His knowing is strong because he continues to live his Truth. He always shows up and is always eager and open to do what must be done for his own personal transformation and the greater good of all. I am more on purpose and in love with life today because of his example, loving support, and Divine guidance.”
I have worked with a ton of teachers, coaches, healers and what was different from any other [experience] was that it really encompassed me…
from what I went through and learned from my childhood, adulthood, corporate background and now my business and being an entrepreneur. Not only do I now know how all of that comes into my message and my topic but… my real target audience and how I need to talk to them… I’m really excited to bring this out to the world. Thank you!”
In under 90 days, Tracey rescued the entrepreneur in me. I generated well over double the return on my investment, all while doing what I love, keeping a sane schedule and enjoying quality time with my family.
“Her flavor of coaching is grounded in sharp business acumen and a deep understanding of feminine leadership. I wanted to stay on this amazing pace so I signed up for her program again!”
Tracey is a masterful coach and a communications ‘midwife’.
“Her intuitive gifts are keen, enabling her to nail a client’s ‘inner roadblocks’ and get to the heart of communication patterns that block one’s full potential. Her accuracy and her ability to help me be more clear, refined and laser-focused has been priceless!”
Passionate, earnest, humble, direct and to the point and not over the top.
George will teach you and be a role model for you in getting through to absolutely anyone.””
Tracey sees us in a way that we do not see ourselves and it truly felt like she was channeling my higher purpose
“My personal experience is that Tracey sees us in a way that we do not see ourselves and it truly felt like she was channeling my higher purpose as she coached me. I discovered that my gift and my areas of expertise are so much bigger than I was seeing. She pushed me to see the broader applications for my business. I am now delivering international workshops, writing a book, building my own consulting business and engaging clients in public speaking forums.”
I recommend working with George to anyone who wants a really fulfilling life or if their life doesn’t look the way they want it to look.
“It’s empowering to know that if it starts with me or is inside me, then I have the ability to change it. That’s what this is about – approaching that and figuring out how to get the life you want.”
I hit my sales goals multiple times over
“Working with Tracey, I hit my sales goals multiple times over, I’m effortlessly attracting clients and speaking opportunities, and even my marriage is better. I’m in my Sweetspot and I love it!”
They modeled something beautiful.
“George is incredible and holds such a beautiful space that makes us feel safe. I was also touched by George and Tracey’s love and support for each other. They modeled something beautiful.”
Working with Tracey has been one of the best personal development investments I have ever made.
“Working with Tracey has allowed me to do the deeper work to create greater access to myself and to my truth. She is Tony Robbins caliber, and combines principles for success in Speaking, Leading, and Staying Feminine. I landed my corporate dream job, and my romantic partnership has improved because I’m expressing my feminine more fully.”
Tracey truly fulfills the brand promise of her company name – Amazing Women.
“The work I did with Tracey is deep, personal and profound. She is an amazing coach – very hands-on, very caring and very supportive. Tracey truly fulfills the brand promise of her company name – Amazing Women. She has challenged me – that’s a good thing – and with her guidance, I am producing great results in my coaching and training business.”